Here's a little drag and drop utility called Alias Finder Pro which is a ripoff and improvement on Patrick Beard's Alias Finder. I sent him email suggesting this, but he never responded, so I rewrote it and added MORE POWER! (grunt liberally here)
It's a simple program. Drag an alias onto this (or an alias of it) and the original will be opened and selected in the Finder. My additional behavior is that if you hold down the option key, the Get Info window is opened instead. This means you can have an alias to an app on your desktop and if you need to change the partition size, simply drag it onto Alias Finder Pro, hold down the option key and voila, there you are.
It's free and requires system 7. It's based on Leonard Rosenthal's DropShell which made it a couple hour hack (if that) which is amazingly robust.